Wednesday, May 19, 2010

PE Class

In PE Class in 6th grade at ACS, we played cricket. Cricket is a bit like baseball and a bit like golf. It's like baseball because we use a bat, but it's like golf because the way we swing the bat is similar to the way a golfer would swing his golf club. It is a bit boring because the way we play it, all we do is run. The more we run, the more points we get. I enjoy tennis more than cricket because tennis is funner to me.

Science Class

In science class we are learning about the Carbon Cycle and the Oxygen Cycle. I found out that less than 1% of the Earth is CO2 (Carbon Dioxide), and 21% of the earth is O2 (Oxygen). This lesson was quite interesting and it inspires me to plant trees or green plants so that the earth could have a decrease in CO2 and an increase in O2.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Math Class

In Math Class, we have a teacher called Mr. Qutub. He is a substitute because our original teacher had a baby, and now she's on maternity leave. He will be leaving on Sunday. Our class is throwing him a goodbye party. We will bring treats to celebrate and say goodbye to him. He taught us well, and it's a shame he's leaving.

Social Studies

In Social Studies, we finished making an iMovie movie. It was about the Peloponnesian War. Making the movie wasn't hard because my teachers helped me, and now I know how to use iMovie better than before, and if I get another project that considers making a movie, I will probably get an A because I can use it professionally.

Language Arts

In Language Arts class in 6th grade, in ACS, we just finished the book "A Single Shard" by Linda Sue Park. It is a good book, but I think she should have made the beginning more interesting so that it could grab your attention. The rest of the book is interesting, and from a scale of 1-10, it's probably a 9.5 because of the un-interesting beginning.

Arabic Class

A couple of days ago in Arabic class in ACS, we brought in lentils, onions, and a potato. We put the lentils in a plastic plate with water on the plate, and leaves are growing. With the onions, we put it in a small cup full of water. Now the onion has a long green stem. With the potato, we put it in a cup and roots grew, but we threw it away because it made a mess.

Monday, May 10, 2010


I learned about Isolation Apertures with many views. I learned that you can see more around you when you do that kind of photography. It can be in a fish-eye view, because you can stretch it more.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


On Photoshop, I put my face in a movie poster. I did The Proposal. I posted it on Flickr. I think it's my best.